My computer came back! Yay! I have Sooooo much to catch up on.
Norman Rockwell is one of those artists most people love…unless you’re in art. I’m not sure why. Despite having a degree in art, I always had a soft spot for Rockwell’s work, but many “critics” really don’t like him. Part of the problem involves when Rockwell lived and worked: during the Modern Era. When most artists of the same time were breaking boundaries and asking “what is ‘art’?”, Rockwell’s work was filled with <gasp!> RECOGNIZABLE SCENES! Artists have been doing this for ages, that’s nothing new! Is that is even “art” or just a commission from someone? I mean, really??
It is rather funny how what the “art world” and “art critics” consider “real art” looks like, looks entirely different from what most people consider art. Every year, my parent’s city, Grand Rapids, Michigan, transforms into the world’s largest art show. It takes over the entire city, and ANYONE can enter a piece, and talk to the touring population over the three weeks of the show. The really unusual thing is, the show, ArtPrize, hands out two sets of awards every year: one set from a panel of art critics and art judges, the second set is voted on by the populace. With one exception, every year, the critics and the “regular people” go “What the–?” when they find out at the final show what the “other side” chose to win. Every year, Dad says, “okay, this is what the ‘experts’ said was the “best in show”? Why….?” And every year, I have to tell him, “Well, it looks like something I saw once in New York…maybe that’s why?” (Because artist and Art Degree doesn’t mean I always “get it”, either.)
And Rockwell falls into that category. Loved by many “regular” people, savagely split among the art world itself. Some love him, some hate him, some recognize the huge impact and legacy Rockwell left. Take your pick.
Once again, like last week, I have the Timeline table set up for Rockwell. I also have the Rockwell packet, including the “Take Home” sheets.
Here’s a question for everyone: would doing a short video, or maybe two help? One could be on how to construct or do the art project (I’m looking ahead to the watercolor resist in two weeks) and/or talking about the artist in history, or showing some things about art regarding the artist (I’m thinking, in particular, showing how Grandma Moses art, is REALLY different because she never learned certain techniques like focal points and eye paths, or how Norman Rockwell was one of the last of the “Golden Age of Illustration” illustrators. Would that be interesting to anyone, and if so, would it be best here, as a FB live video (which would be cached on the Drawing Demystified Facebook page?) Or would people like the info, but prefer a long (probably really long-with pictures) blog post? What would you find helpful?
Leave a comment if you have any questions, or need anything. I try to check every day. You can also comment on the Drawing Demystified facebook page.
CC c3Wk14 Norman Rockwell Timeline (If you don’t know how to use this, just ask, or read the intro to the Grandma Moses Timeline found here)